Little Vampire finds his friend Miguel entertained with Japanese toys and reading manga. Miguel has already decided that he will be the author of manga when he grows up! This makes Little Vampire realize that he will never be grown and that his friendship with Miguel is in danger. Depressed, he lies down in his coffin and his dreams take him to Japan.
A large-format comic-style book
Author: Joann Sfar
Illustrator: Joann Sfar
Size: 9" X 11.75"
Pages: 32
Format: Hardcover
Recommended reading age: 6-9
Pequeño Vampiro encuentra a Miguel entretenido con juguetes japoneses y leyendo manga. Miguel ya ha decidido que, cuando sea grande ¡va a ser autor de manga! Eso hace que Pequeño Vampiro se dé cuenta de que él nunca será grande y de que peligra su amistad con Miguel. Deprimido, se acuesta en su ataúd, y sus sueños lo llevan a Japón.
Un libro de formato grande al estilo cómic.