Looking for an intrepid author with an overflowing imagination capable of finishing writing and illustrating this story which has been left halfway.
Help our protagonist find the exit of the haunted house while you walk through its most horrifying corners and meet its terrifying inhabitants.
Make these pages become a completely unique story!
Author: Susanna Isern and you!
Illustrator: Raquel Díaz Reguera and you!
Size: 8.6" x 8.6"
Pages: 50
Format: Softcover
Recommended reading age: 2nd grade and up (younger with adult help)
Se busca autor intrépido de imaginación desbordante capaz de acabar de escribir e ilustrar este cuento que se ha quedado a medias.
Ayuda a nuestro protagonista a cocinar una tarta súper monstruosa visitando a personajes increíbles para conseguir los ingredientes más asquerosos que se te ocurran.
¡Deja tu huella en estas páginas y convierte esta historia en única!